Our kids really enjoy family home evening. FHE was the perfect opportunity to get Kyle to stop sucking his thumb! Kyle would suck his thumb all day long. He'd grab his "dee-dee" or blanket, and leave the family so he could suck his thumb in private and not be bothered about it. I resolved that I HAD to get him to stop before it was too late and he ended up with the problems I had with my teeth (I sucked my thumb until I was 8 yrs old). I decided to center FHE around Kyle. I explained what happens to the teeth when one sucks his thumb. I showed pictures of buck teeth, braces, etc. Then we had a surprise visit from our family dentist, Dr. Brian Goodwin. He came to our home in costume. Kyle could not believe his eyes. There standing in the doorway was HIS DENTIST. The Dentist was here just to see KYLE! The dentist asked Kyle many questions. He brought a pair of white teeth and asked Kyle what things we do and don't put in our mouth. He read out loud a list of rules that I had written for Kyle. We made Kyle sign a contract in front of all of us that he would stop sucking his thumb. In return, he would receive a big reward-a ride on Dad's snowmobile. Until then, he would get an elmo sticker for every time he did not suck his thumb (morming, afternoon, evening). I am pleased to announce that after 2 months Kyle has kicked the habit! We can tell that his teeth are already going back in to place! Alright!!
that's a great idea michelle, we've been lucky not to have thumb suckers (yet) but i bet that's a good way to kick alo of habits. see you soon
This is so creative and smart of you. Good job Kyle! Cute blog layout too.
Way to go Kyle, That is awesome! Good thinking Michelle!
Michelle, keep an eye for awhile
and make sure old habits don't
surface when he is upset sometimes.
Have some innovative treat
around to re-encourage him LOL!
This is the cutest idea I have ever heard. Way to go Ky-bug!
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