We are so blessed to have all the things we have: a roof over our heads, comfortable beds to sleep in, plenty of food to eat, shoes to wear. I think I have been taking this for granted for too long and there needs to be a change. At Stake Conferene this Sunday, the Temple President, a retired doctor, told a story of a lady who shattered her patella on her last step down stairs. He saw the accident and ran over to help and dialed 911. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, he waved down several people to help them, but noone would stop. They were all very busy...doing something good...and important...they were headed to the Temple for a session that was about to begin. The temple was 2 blocks from them. They were on the right track but failed the test.
I have to admit that I'm guilty of this. My parents set an example but I haven't lived up to it the way I know I should. I know this because suddenly in the last month as I've paid more attention, I'm finding plenty of opportunities to serve. Bonnie Parkin said, "I invite you to not only love each other more but love each other better."
Because i'm sort of restricted with the kids when I'm out, instead of racing here and there and everywhere trying to get my things done as fast as possible, I've decided to take it easy and keep me eyes peeled. Keep a prayer in my heart. If I notice someone needs a hand, though I'm careful and protective, I still stop.
what are your thoughts and maybe you have some ideas to share?
He is always near me, though I do not see Him there,
And because He loves me dearly, I am in His watchful care.
So I’ll be the kind of person that I know I’d like to be
If I could see the Savior standing nigh, watching over me.”*

Thank you for sharing this! This truly is what life is all about... serving and helping one another. Life is about taking our time to stop and help those around us by getting out our comfort zones. Sometimes it's too easy to stay in our comfort zones and doing what we planned to do in our busy lives. But, you are right, we need to be looking out for service opportunities, whether it's smiling at a sad stranger or calling a friend you feel prompted to call.
P.S. Just so you know. It's a little hard to read the font on your page because it's so dark and the page is so dark. Just a head's up! :)
i totally agree! i always read stories of helping other people but don't have any myself and i know it's because i don't look for those opportunities. great reminder especially at this time of year! and tell shane to dress up! i can't believe how much the kids loved it- denver is still calling me snow white today :)
My cause has always been about the homeless. Everyone has something that really tugs at their heart. This for whatever reason, has always been mine. Now I know some pretend just to get our money.
We can't go by that, we must
follow our hearts and still be sensible as well.
At the very least just go to a take out and bring them back some food where you can. Do not put yourself in danger however. Use caution.
With all the assets our country has, we give to countries that hate and mock us! Certainly that money would be much better spent, helping out our own...
Just my thoughts!
Very good fuel for thought questions.
I agree with you 100%! I get so caught up in my little world, I sometimes fail to see the needs of others! Who knows what little things I could do, that would help someone elses journey a little better!
What a great blog post! Something I definitely need to do better. I love the song you quoted, all three verses have such powerful messages.
Thank you for this post. I think we all need reminders like this every now and then. Sometimes it's hard to get out of our comfort zones, but necessary for growth to take place. I just read the book Three Cups of Tea. It is very inspirational for this topic. That's a beautiful picture and song!
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