Friday, January 4, 2013

Half-Marathon in Boulder, NV

My friend Heidi Parks approached me one Sunday in desperation, and asked if I would help her plan a half-marathon in Boulder, NV. She was in the temple a year previous and felt inspired to organize a marathon. I asked her who else was helping and she said that nobody was helping her and the race was only 4 months away! We formed a committee, got other girls in the ward involved and got right on the details. The race turned out amazing and I learned a lot. We will probably be doing it again. We have all our ducks in a row now so it will be a lot easier! 

I made a gift for Jamie Hartley, the girl we chose to sing our national anthem. She  has a condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa, in which skin and mouth blisters develop constantly. She has to clean and rebandage her "wounds" every day and it's very difficult for her to sing. She lives in a lot of pain. She sang the national anthem beautifully!


Cat said...

read them all :) good blogging! glad things are going well! Love Yah!

Lucky said...

My heart goes out to her and I am glad she received such a lovely basket and I truly hope this illness ends IMMEDIATELY!!

Time will tell on next year, but you did great last year.