Poor Brett's bottom is torn up from this terrible stomach flu. He gets in a lot of pain when i change him. So we have a little regimen that we do together afterwards that helps. I wrap him in a blanket and sing primary songs to him for 20-30 min. He quiets right down and listens. There is an App called 'lds music' that has all the hymns and songs in the childrens songbook. We use the app to play music during family home evening. The app is a great help!
Poor little guy. The stomach flu has been terrible out here in VA. At the risk of jinxing my family, it hasn't hit here, but lots of families at church are sick...seriously sick. It's bad. Hope he gets better soon.
I am glad brett is being as brave as he can be and hope things heal up really soon. I wonder if neosporin would help at all? Or desitin and a bit of baby powder that is not perfumed?
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