Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kyle's Conversation with Mom

Kyle and I read his animal book last night before bed and this is the conversation that followed(will get a recent picture of him up when I get my camera back):

Kyle: Ma, what do turtles do?
Michelle: They walk really slow
Kyle: Do they have backs?
Michelle: Yes they do! Their backs are hard shells which they use as a source of protection from other animals.
Kyle: What do Poo bees do?
Michelle: Polar Bears?
Kyle: No Poopies
Michelle: Oh! I don't know?
Kyle: They live in the toilet.

Kyle: What do Chipmunks do?
Michelle: I don't know?
Kyle: They talk.
Kyle: What do dinosaurs do?
Michelle: What?
Kyle: Dinosaurs do bite!
Kyle: They live in the trees...
Kyle: Shhhhhhh! (whispering) there's a dinosaur at our house
Michelle: No there isn't!
Kyle: (loud whisper) MA! shh! shh! I hear them...
Kyle: Shh...shhhhh....(looking all around) do you hear that? It's the dinosaurs
Three minutes of silence goes by
Kyle: Now I don't hear it.
Kyle: Can we talk?


Shannon said...

What a cutie!

The Linds said...

Aww, sweet! This is such a cute picture of him!

Lucky said...

That is really interesting!
He has a sense of humor and is
using it to the best of his
ability.. He is very creative

Love these stories

Lindsay said...

Very cute! I love those types of conversations!

The Reese's said...

these kids are so smart and their imaginations just amaze me. we definately can learn alot from them.

Lisa said...

oh my gosh...oh my gosh that is freakin cute i can't stand it. Kyle is soooo cUTE!

Lisa said...

Mom you keep making me laugh. Yeah Kyle is so cute. I like the turtle conversation its just too darn cute.