Saturday, May 16, 2009

final thoughts before I deliver

Shane summed this pregnancy up for me last week when he said, "It still hasn't hit me yet that we are pregnant. It is so unreal." It's gone by so fast. One minute we learn i'm pregnant and the next it's d-day?? Where did the time go!

Where I live the hospitals will not allow me to VBAC(vaginal birth after cesarean), even though I've already had two. Sad huh? But it is legal to birth at home with a midwife. That's okay because birth is a normal life event. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but in the comfort and privacy of my own home with those I love around me.

I know that I am not the most suitable candidate for homebirth. I am physically what my grandma calls "a delicate flower," and she is right! However, the Lord knows my strengths and weaknesses and will help me in all ways if I pray and exercise faith.

Today it is all hitting me that soon I will walk through that painful valley...but I am still at peace and know that whatever happens is the Lord's will and he will get me through it. It is through my weakness and infirmities that I have learned of Him and seen his mighty arm work miracles in my behalf. My birth experiences has helped me come to understand and know personally, that the power to do anything comes only by His grace.

It's so easy to forget that this life is a test. It is human nature to constantly seek for comfort & stability. But we can lose out on so many blessings when we do this.
I pray that the Lord will comfort and sustain me through the birth.


Natalie said...

Oh my this was so sweet. I love that you shared your experiences about the our gospel. It really touched me and i hope that everythign goes well and i cant wait to see the pictures of your new little girl.

Teresa said...

Michelle, you are truly inspiring! Thank you for sharing that heartfelt post! I wish you the very best!

Lucky said...

And remember sweetheart, that very special inspiration in your Patriarchal Blessing! You are so brave to do this and have a fortified inner strength that not even you seem to realize! See you soon...

Brossettelewis said...

I hope all goes well with your delivery. {awaiting pictures of the new baby}

Jamie said...

I am so excited for you! Having a baby is such an amazing experience, there is nothing like it! Can't wait to see pictures of your baby girl!

Lisa said...

Good luck with everything!

Lisa said...

Michelle, I know how exhausting it is for you but only for one day, then it's all over and you will have another baby girl. I can't WAIT to see her. Aleah's birth was beautiful and you only pushed for 20 min. Hopefully since this is the 4th, labor will go faster. I will see you on wednesday!

allgirls said...

I hope that everything goes great for you!

Sarah Stout said...

Best of luck to you, Michelle! You are in my prayers. I, too, share your faith that Heavenly Father will guide you and provide you (and your midwife!) with guidance. I love you!

Carolee said...

Good luck, Michelle! My thoughts and prayers are with you! You can do hard things!!!
I love you!

Shannon said...

We'll say a prayer for you too! You are a strong person and I'm sure everything will go smoothly because you have such great faith. Good luck!!