Tagged by Kelly
The "8 things list" Tag
8 movies I like to watch...
1. Family Man
2. First Knight
3. The Count of Monte Cristo
4. Airforce One
5. Titanic
6. Sweet Home Alabama
7. Meet the Parents
8. Saturday's Warrior (c'mon, you know you love it)
8 Things that happened Yesterday
1. did 3 loads of dishes by hand because dishwasher broke
2. dressed up kids in their halloween costumes, for fun
3. Had pizza for dinner
4. took the boys to Fiesta Foods to get a treat after dinner
6. talked to my mom and dad on the phone
7. took a 2 hour nap!
8. Watched Superman w/boys
8 Favorite Places to Eat
1. Chinese/Japanese buffet
2. Ho-ho's
3. Aversanos (Italian)
4. Lamplight
5. Ruby River
6. Chili's
7. Seafood
8. Mexican
8 Things I'm Looking Forward to
1. House to sell
2. Year Food Supply completed
3. Moving
4. The Holidays
5. SIL's babies to arrive
6. Shane's Agents to hit their goals
7. Getting to know the members of my new ward
8. Aleah going to Nursery
8 Things on my Wish List
1. For all the sister in laws to have healthy babies
2. The Economy to turn around
3. John McCain to win
4. Nothing bad to happen to any family members
5. Nice landscaping at our new house
6. Lisa to get rid of Dave once and for all
7. Boys to do well in School
8. Me to be able to accomplish all of my goals
I tag...anyone who wants to do it!
i love to read these and learn stuff i didn't know about people. and i love your comment about lisa, i would totally be the same way with my sister!
Enjoyed reading your list!!
Gotta love those naps....I NEED to put that on my to-do list! And, I love First Night too!
I loved reading all about you. I thought your comment about Lisa was funny. You gotta love sisters, they keep things interesting.
This is really interesting and a fun way to learn about each other!
Very creative!
Look forward to reading more
i enjoyed your list, love learning new things about people. you are such an amazing mom, wife and friend... i hope all of your goals come true you deserve it!
Things you wish for #6
might trump all my wishes right about now! Good choices on all the tags... Sounds like fun to do
You're cool Michelle!
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